AMLO Celebrates Communal Values and Indigenous Contributions

President López Obrador celebrated the communal values of indigenous communities and criticized the denial of their identity. He urged candidates to avoid excessive propaganda spending and emphasized grassroots campaigning. Demonstrations in Chilpancingo were addressed, emphasizing dialogue.

AMLO Celebrates Communal Values and Indigenous Contributions
President López Obrador defends the indigenous identity, highlighting their vital role in shaping Mexico's history and culture.

In today's engaging morning conference led by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), a myriad of topics were addressed, ranging from the valor of indigenous communities to the perils of opposition propaganda. With his signature wit and candor, the President captivated the audience, ensuring a memorable start to the day.

First and foremost, President López Obrador shed light on the remarkable fact that a staggering 85% of Oaxaca's territory consists of communal land. He applauded the communal values nurtured in such communities, emphasizing the significance of mutual support and "tequio," a beautiful tradition of communal work. Additionally, the President lamented the presence of racism that denies the indigenous identity, staunchly defending the essential role played by indigenous peoples in shaping Mexico.