Coach Vélez Sánchez and the Rise of Mexican Archery

Mexico's men's archery team faces a tense battle for Olympic spots. Coach David Alejandro Vélez Sánchez leads them with an unconventional edge, aiming to secure their place in Paris 2024. The team has their work cut out for them, but they have the talent and the support to make history.

Coach Vélez Sánchez and the Rise of Mexican Archery
David Alejandro Vélez, coach of the men's archery branch. Credit: CONADE

Twang! The arrow flies, a fleeting shadow streaking towards its destiny. In that suspended moment, etched against the backdrop of Mexico's National Center for the Development of Sports Talents and High Performance (CNAR), the dreams of a nation hang by a thread.

Twelve archers, the sculpted silhouettes of potential Olympians, stand poised. They are engaged in a five-day battle of will, skill, and nerves to determine who will represent Mexico in the hallowed archery grounds of Paris 2024.