Cartels Turn Chiapas into Their Showground with Parade

In San Gregorio Chamic, Chiapas, presumed members of the Sinaloa Cartel paraded openly, met with cheers amid a local turf war with CJNG. The shocking daylight incident exemplifies a region in crisis, with escalating criminal control, violence, and societal disruptions.

Cartels Turn Chiapas into Their Showground with Parade
Armed and hooded, presumed Sinaloa Cartel members showcase their strength, driving through San Gregorio Chamic in broad daylight, as onlookers applaud their arrival.

In the quaint town of San Gregorio Chamic, Frontera Comalapa, Chiapas, a scene that could have been ripped right out of a Hollywood movie played out. Only, this was no movie. This was reality – stark and in broad daylight.

Imagine this: a caravan of armed men, speculated to be from the notorious Sinaloa Cartel, driving into town in a proud parade of pickup trucks. Their path? The road connecting to the municipal capital, which also borders Guatemala. Their attire? Hooded figures donning high-powered weapons and bulletproof vests. Their soundtrack? Cheers and shouts of “Pure Sinaloa!” from the local populace.