Argentinian Expert Calls for Cannabis Legalization

Maximiliano Carlinis of the University of Buenos Aires is calling for change. “It's time to divorce cannabis from criminal law,” he says. Argentina is the land of wine, yet alcohol kills while cannabis doesn't.

Argentinian Expert Calls for Cannabis Legalization
Cannabis in Argentina: Time to separate myth from medicine? Image by Simon Finta from Pixabay

In a world where debates over cannabis swirl like fragrant smoke rings, one voice emerges from the haze with clarity: Maximiliano Carlinis, a legal maestro from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). His suggestion? It's time to untangle cannabis from the clutches of criminal law and usher it into the warm embrace of regulation. And frankly, he's right — we're fashionably late to this green party.

Hailing from the land of tango and empanadas, Carlinis isn't just blowing smoke. At the recent Seminar 4 20 “Cannabis, rights and regulations; Argentina and Mexico cases”, hosted by the Legal Research Institute (IIJ) of the UNAM, Carlinis laid down the law, advocating for a shift in perspective. He pointed out the glaring hypocrisy of a nation where wine flows freely, yet cannabis remains shackled by outdated stigmas.