Can Mexico Save its Forest Legacy?

Mexico's forests hold immense biodiversity but suffer from neglect and illegal logging. Dr. Piñero Dalmau urges for science-backed policy that allows communities to sustainably benefit from forests, ensuring their health for future generations.

Can Mexico Save its Forest Legacy?
Mexico's diverse forests, a treasure under threat.

Mexico occupies first place in the world for the number and diversity of pines and oaks; In contrast, it has reforestation programs, but without a sustainable economic approach; There is no data on what is planted and what survives, says researcher and former director of the Institute of Ecology, UNAM, Daniel Piñero Dalmau.

He believes that adding to this inconvenience is the serious problem of the timber trade, since in some regions, including around Mexico City, it has fallen into the hands of illegal loggers. Helping to conserve the wealth of our forests “is in all of our interests; “It is for our own survival.”