AMLO Unleashes Truth Bombs at Morning Conference

AMLO tackles gas rumors, Mayan train updates, airline woes, and missing person lies. He seeks an honest, non-vulgar successor for 2024 and eyes rescuer for Altos Hornos. Environmentalist murder condemned, Sinaloa cartel leader nabbed, and Starlink questioned.

AMLO Unleashes Truth Bombs at Morning Conference
AMLO assures Mexicans as Profeco reports steady fuel costs. Is the rumor mill getting spicy, or are pockets safe for now?

The air just got thick with presidential pronouncements and a dash of Tabasco salsa at the National Palace. Today's Morning Conference with Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) was a whirlwind of Mayan Train updates, airline smackdowns, and a healthy dose of “no me digas!” moments.

Gasolinazo? Nah, Just Opposition Heartburn: The morning kicked off with AMLO squashing rumors of a sneaky gas price hike (gasolinazo). Apparently, whispers of rising costs were nothing more than the “anger of the opposition” giving their tummies a rumble. David Aguilar Romero, Profeco chief, confirmed the price stability, adding that even LP gas and basic basket groceries were chillin' like villains. Whew, dodged a bullet there.