AMLO's Crusade Against a System Stacked for Crooks

AMLO's Mexico navigates a web of contradictions. His government touts anti-corruption wins, while the Church faces unsettling allegations. The president defends free speech but criticizes journalists, invoking heroes of the past.

AMLO's Crusade Against a System Stacked for Crooks
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador addressing the nation during the Morning Conference at the National Palace. Credit: Andrés Manuel López Obrador

The sun bled a dusty pink over Mexico City as a familiar figure stepped behind the podium in the National Palace. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the populist firebrand known simply as AMLO, began his daily press conference, the mañanera, with customary fervor. It was March 5th, 2024, and he wasn't holding back.

“Zero Impunity,” he declared, the words rolling off his tongue with a familiar, almost weary determination. His administration, he claimed, had honored its anti-corruption pledge, citing the recent string of extraditions. Drug runners, conmen, even a few crooked politicians had been delivered into the unforgiving maw of US justice.