Stories of the Aftermath of Hurricane Otis in Acapulco

Acapulco post-Hurricane Otis: Secretary of Tourism ensures tourist safety, local hero policewoman breastfeeds a hungry baby, residents defend against looting, armed forces deployed, business leaders propose recovery plan, Mexico City provides support, and Cuban doctors offer medical aid.

Stories of the Aftermath of Hurricane Otis in Acapulco
Acapulco's picturesque coastline amid the devastation left by Hurricane Otis. Credit: Agencies

In the wake of Hurricane Otis' merciless rampage, the heart of Acapulco beats strong, undeterred by the devastation left in its path. The resilient spirit of the city shines bright, thanks to the heroes who have stepped up in these trying times.

Miguel Torruco Marqués, the Secretary of Tourism, led the charge in the aftermath of Hurricane Otis. As the storm wreaked havoc, more than 12,500 tourists found themselves caught in its grip. Torruco Marqués swiftly coordinated their evacuation, ensuring their safety during these harrowing moments. He maintained close communication with the embassies of the three foreign tourists who tragically lost their lives in this ordeal.