Content Guidelines for Mexicanist

Discover Mexico's rich culture, history, and breathtaking destinations at Submit your guest posts with links to share your insights on travel, cuisine, traditions, and more. Join us in celebrating all things Mexico!

Thank you for considering submitting a guest post to! We welcome contributions from writers, experts, and enthusiasts who have valuable insights and information to share about Mexico's culture, history, tourism, cuisine, and other related topics. However, to maintain the quality and integrity of our platform, we have established the following content guidelines for guest posts with links:

Original and Unique Content: We only accept original and unique content that has not been published elsewhere. Plagiarism or content that infringes upon copyright laws will not be accepted.

Relevance to Mexico: All guest posts should be directly related to Mexico, its culture, history, travel destinations, tourist attractions, traditions, food, events, or other relevant topics. The content should be informative, engaging, and add value to our readers' understanding of Mexico.

High-Quality Writing: We strive for well-written articles with proper grammar, punctuation, and structure. The content should be easy to read, engaging, and well-researched. Please proofread your submission before sending it to us.

Length and Formatting: Guest posts should typically be between 800 and 1,500 words. Longer articles may be accepted for in-depth analysis. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to improve readability and organization.

Links and Citations: You are allowed to include a maximum of three relevant non-promotional and /or promotional links within the body of the article. These links should provide additional value to readers and support the content of the guest post. We do not accept links to low-quality or spammy websites.

Non-Promotional Tone: Guest posts should not be overly promotional or serve as advertisements for products, services, or businesses. We aim to provide valuable information and insights to our readers.

Accuracy and Fact-Checking: Ensure that the information provided in your guest post is accurate, up-to-date, and supported by credible sources. Cite your sources where necessary. Misleading or false information will not be accepted.

Image and Media Usage: If you include images or media in your guest post, ensure that you have the necessary rights and permissions to use them. Provide image credits or sources, whenever applicable.

Respectful and Inclusive Language: We expect all guest posts to be written respectfully and inclusively. Avoid offensive language, discriminatory content, or anything that may be considered inappropriate.

Editorial Discretion: reserves the right to edit, modify, or reject guest post submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines or do not meet our editorial standards. We may also include internal links or make other changes to optimize the article's readability and SEO.

By submitting a guest post to, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these guidelines and agree to comply with them.

We look forward to reviewing your guest post submission and appreciate your interest in contributing to!