These are the requirements to form a company in Mexico

The first step is to satisfy all these requirements to set up a company in Mexico, to continue with structuring and shaping the project.

These are the requirements to form a company in Mexico
Doing business in Mexico Photo by Austin Distel / Unsplash

In the modern world, the number of entrepreneurs is not scarce, on the contrary, many people consider plausible the possibility of creating their own company in Mexico, since this represents the fulfillment of a dream and a considerable improvement in the financial part.

However, tortuous paths must be followed to reach the goal, some do not even know where to start. That's why here we put you at the starting point: the first thing you need is to satisfy the requirements to create a company in Mexico and, from there, continue structuring and molding the project until it manages to take a form that suits you.

The planning process

What kind of company do you want to set up? It's a question that will guide you into the future because that way you'll understand who you're going to be and how you can expand.

Setting goals is important. If they are short term, you will see results of constant improvement; if they are the medium term, the short ones will make the way to reach them; if they are long term, they will be the collection of all the mature fruits once reached. These allow you to evaluate how the process of reaching them is going and if they are satisfactorily fulfilled according to what you want.

If there are partners involved, then the amount that each one receives is important to fix it clearly and concisely.

How long will the company last? That is to say, to be able to define how each component should play its role, as much the domicile as the administration and capacities of each individual that integrates it.

What are the requirements to set up a company in Mexico?

While perseverance becomes key to the whole process, the legal part is inevitable. Therefore, to facilitate this part, it is better to know what is needed to carry it out without major inconveniences.

Petition to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: this requires the name of the company and at least five people who can opt for approval. It can be done in writing or a format granted by the Secretariat.

Deed of Incorporation before a notary: after the first part, the second part is the creation of this deed. It requires the most basic details of the company, such as its type, administration, and others in the same current. If you have foreign partners or shareholders, you must also include clauses in this regard. This will finally be formalized before a notary public to endow it entirely with legality.

Registration before the SAT: The mercantile society is registered using this census, which provides it with a tax identification card to open accounts in the bank, initiate activity, and print invoices. The process is simple and has its corresponding requirements.

Notarial notice: carried out, as the name indicates, by a notary, who informs the SER that the application has been used.

Public Registry of Property and Commerce: this relates to commercial goods and goals, which must be registered with the company in the public registry. It requires that all of the above has already been done to be carried out.

Request for use of land: this is discussed with the Secretariat of Urban Development and Ecology, as it is a license that is needed to have a physical space. As it takes weeks to be issued, it must be done in advance.

Other requirements may be needed, but this depends on the type of company you want to create and therefore may vary from one to another such as:

Registration with the Ministry of Health

Registration of manifests and industrial designs before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI)

Licenses of use of the mark

Advanced Electronic Signature

In cases of imports, Registration in the Register of Importers

Registration in the Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property

Registry in the Mixed Commission of Security and Hygiene before the Secretariat of the Work

Inscription of the Mixed Commission of Qualification and Training before the Secretariat

However, it is always better to have professional advice that can guide in this whole process that, although it seems extensive, can be carried out with relative ease. Good luck with your new endeavor.