Improving the WiFi signal is possible: how to improve its performance

Problems with a WiFi connection? There are some factors that can cause this issue, so we recommend following these simple tips to make your WiFi faster.

Improving the WiFi signal is possible: how to improve its performance
WiFi. Photo by Mika Baumeister / Unsplash

These are some tips that can help solve the problem with your WiFi, in case you don't achieve any positive change, it is advisable to contact a professional or the technical support of your internet service. Moving your WiFi router can dramatically improve its performance. WiFi is a wireless communication technology that allows electronic devices to be connected to the Internet to share information via electromagnetic waves without the need for a cable.

Day by day the list of devices with WiFi technology is increasing, this makes it easier to perform some tasks such as browsing the internet, sharing information (photos, music, documents), viewing multimedia content (videos, movies, etc.). WiFi or Wi-Fi is originally an abbreviation of the trademark Wireless Fidelity, which in English means, " fidelity without wires or wireless ".

To operate, WiFi requires a device called a router or router connected to the Internet and equipped with an antenna, which redistributes the signal wirelessly within a certain radius. The receiving devices that are within the coverage area must be equipped with devices compatible with WiFi technology so that they can have access to the Internet.

The closer the equipment is to the source of the WiFi signal, the better the connection. Sometimes in our homes, we come to present some problems with our WiFi connection, some factors can cause this problem, so we recommend following these simple tips to make your WiFi faster.

Choose the right place

A router generally sends signals in all directions, so placing it in the corner of your house or near a window would mean wasting a significant amount of the WiFi signal. Moving the router can dramatically improve its performance. Choose open spaces, free of walls or objects, so that the materials that these objects are made of do not absorb the WiFi signal. Elevate the router if you can. Experts recommend keeping the router at least half a meter off the ground, for example on a table or shelf. Finally, make sure it is located in the center of the house, so you will have the best possible WiFi coverage anywhere. Another alternative is to place the router in the room where more devices will be connected, such as the office or studio.

Put away your electronic devices

All devices that generate an electromagnetic signal such as microwaves, televisions, cordless phones. Plus, some large metal objects like mirrors or file cabinets can affect the signal, just like water can block the signal, so try to avoid them.

Vertical antennas

The signal from the WiFi network is extended in a direction perpendicular to that of the router's antennas, so vertically oriented antennas will transmit the signal horizontally more efficiently. However, it is also possible to maximize the reception by having the device's antenna aligned in the same direction as those of the router. And although most laptops have the antennas aligned horizontally on the inside; on smartphones and electronic tablets, the antennas may be positioned differently depending on the position in which they are held. Putting one antenna on the router in a vertical position and the other in a horizontal position can cover all possible situations while maintaining a good signal throughout your home.

Measure the signal from the WiFi network

With some tools such as CloudCheck, Wi-Fi Analytics Tool, Speedtest, and Speedy, it is possible to measure the WiFi signal in your home to find out where it is weakest and help you discover which place is the best to position your router.

Beware of intruders

The more users connected to the same WiFi network, the lower the transmission speed. Even if your network is password-protected, it can be very easy to hack into it. The use of a WPA password is essential, but even with them, you are not free from having an intruder steal your internet.

Change your equipment

If none of the above tricks worked, then perhaps your router is physically failing. Upgrading to a new router may be the best solution, this is because the technology used to transmit the signal has changed a lot over the years. Another solution, if possible, is to replace your router's antennas with more powerful ones. You can also buy a repeater, it will not increase your bandwidth, but it will make your network wider.