10 common mistakes that can cost pets their lives

What are the most common mistakes made by owners that sometimes even lead to the death of a pet? Find more information here.

10 common mistakes that can cost pets their lives
Top 10 owner mistakes that can cost animals their lives. Photo by Andrew S / Unsplash

These are the most common mistakes made by owners, which sometimes even lead to the death of a pet.

Show your care every day

An animal's life is very short. Although cats and small dogs live longer than large ones, the information available on their lifespan is far beyond reality. So show your love by caring for an animal every day as if it were the last day you have the chance to spend with it.

An animal doesn't show pain, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt

Animals don't show pain, but that doesn't mean they hurt less than humans. The only difference is in the way they feel pain. Because if a person calls for help, it is expected that someone will rush to help. The laws of nature work the other way round. If an animal whimpers or howls, he will be heard by the strongest and eaten like the weakest. That is why animals suffer pain in silence and even try to hide when they do not feel well. A veterinarian will help to recognize the pain and prevent the animal from suffering.

A dog that is "suspicious" during the day must be reported to a doctor

A dog that has "something wrong" should be left unattended for more than one day. A dog may not refuse food, but still, be seriously ill enough to need veterinary attention. The dog is a "quick vomiter". If the dog feels fine immediately after vomiting, skip the next meal and observe. Most likely everything will be fine. However, if the vomiting recurs, a visit to the vet is in order.

If your cat won't eat, it's a serious signal that something is wrong

If your cat refuses its usual meal, it is a serious signal that it is not feeling well. Even if the cat looks healthy, make sure you contact your vet! Because changes in the liver of a cat that has not eaten properly for 48h may be irreversible and incurable. That is why you should go to the vet already on the first day of "something wrong".

Young puppies and elderly pets need extra care

Cubs and elderly animals must be treated with special care. They should be shown to a veterinarian at every seemingly minor problem. For example, a kitten may die because it has had diarrhea or vomiting for one day, or an old animal may die because it has been breathing worse.

A cat does not have 9 lives!

Cats fall out of windows, break their jaws, legs, bruise their internal organs and die. Relying on luck is cynicism. So before you bring your kitten home, put a screen in front of the balcony and windows and fit plastic windows with a special protective device that will prevent the cat from getting into the open window when it is ventilated. The cat does not conclude after a fall, so the owner must create a safe environment for the cat!

Problem No 1 for small breeds - teeth

Small breeds can have teeth so bad by the age of 2 that they have to be pulled out. That is why every dog owner should have a regular look in their pet's mouth. Not only the incisors but also the last teeth.

Don't starve your cat by trying to "teach it a lesson"

Do not starve the cat! Trying to "retrain" a cat that is not eating what the owner intends may result in irreversible changes in the cat's liver. Moreover, the fatter the cat, the greater the risk.

On the way to the veterinary clinic - in a cage or on a lead

Only take your cat outside the house in a cage or otherwise confined, otherwise you risk joining the many owners who have had their cat break loose from their arms and disappear permanently. Even a docile dog must be on a lead when going to the vet.

Anesthesia is always a risk

Anesthesia is always a risk, with the worst-case scenario being death. The risk of anesthesia is higher in very young and old animals, as well as in sick animals. This can be mitigated by blood tests before surgery, but there are no methods that can eliminate the risk of anesthesia.